Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Bachelor finale gets crazy(er).

The Bachelor finale gets crazy(er).

"The Crying Turd," aka Jason Mesnick

During the finale of The Bachelor, the crying turd changed his mind and went with who he believed might be the love of his life. Forget Melissa, Poor Molly...

The girl is better off without this crybaby turd, who will likely change his mind in a couple more weeks.
My wife's first comment was, "forget him you dummy, he's gonna leave you too!" Get yourself a REAL MAN who doesn't cry when he has a tough decision to make. I have a couple of friends I could introduce her to.

One is a brick-layer type. Tough, construction worker who I am pretty sure has never cried. The guy I affectionately refer to as "pervert" knows how to be a man. He can drive a tractor, has killed animals with guns, loves to drink beer and fart, and would be stupid in love with such a hottie. She could be assured of no crying.

The other plays pro ball. Lots of money, not "that smart" but is very generous, has a huge manly appendage, and could literally tear another man's head off if some guy was discourteous in any way. Once again, no crying.

When asked about the Crying Turd's antics on this season of The Bachelor, Michelle Obama commented, "eff that cracker!"

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