Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Turdpolishers.Com Coo Performed

Really horrible pic of my screenshot, sorry I will try for a better one.

One of my bad habits is to frequent, aka,

Its an eclectic group of neer-do-wells and kool-aid drinking fans of the B. They get in pissing matches frequently, and generally seek to become the most self-important, intolerant person on the board. While there are exceptions, such as Pale Rider, Simp13, Wooldog and a few others, this is the general rule.

Well, on a particular Saturday afternoon recently, while a B basketball game was in full swing, I logged onto the board. While my intentions were to just check it out and weigh in with my opinions, it turned ugly. Not ugly in a "I'm an internet tough-guy" kind of way. But ugly in a "there's no one else on this frickin board" kind of way.

After about 45 minutes of posting, I noticed that I had the last post on about half of every thread listed. So it began. In approximately and hour and 25 minutes I was the latest poster on EVERY thread on the board. Legends are born of this sort of thing interpeeps.

Now one might ask, how does one do this? Post at 4 am? Perhaps. Do you jam the board with mind control and overtake every possible poster? Perhaps. But in my case, I just started shooting off my mouth, which I must admit, I tend to do alot of. But as you will notice in the screen shot above, (ok, you really can't see it,) it occured in the middle of a Saturday afternoon.

And a legend is born...

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