Sunday, December 2, 2007

Beauty and the Geek - my own story

It funny how we can get sucked into a TV show. I spent almost all day Sunday (until 8pm) watching the Beauty and the Geek marathon. The final episode airs Tuesday, and I just may have to watch it. I think its on MTV if you are interested.

Watching the show today made me think of how we process sterotypes. The "beauties" immediately looked down on the "geeks" who they knew nothing about. In return, the geeks felt they were intellectually superior. If you have watched the show you know what happens: geek learns the beauty is pretty on the inside too (most of the time); beauty finds out that the geek really does have alot to offer.

But this is what happens in life. We shut out those who are different than us, mostly to avoid being rejected and then hurt. In reality, we are basically the same. We all want to be loved and accepted. We want to have friends and feel we are important in this life.

I have been on both sides of this dilemma. I have been the skinny kid that got made fun of. And I have been the popular kid that all the girls wanted to go out with. But thats a story for another day.

I remember wanting to be friends with the lovely Cheryl D. in the first grade. I was in love with her, and was fairly sure she was the most beautiful first grader on earth. I never went through that "I hate girls" phase. When she would not return my affections, I tackled her and kissed her right on the mouth, her kicking and screaming all the while. They immediately sent me to the principal's office, where he did his best to refrain from laughing. If that happened today, I would be in alternative school.

Some other time, I will tell you the story of the turkeys and the eagle. But I will tell you the moral of that story: when those who should accept you do not accept you, you will be accepted by whoever will.

Any memories you would like to share?

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