Weeeellllllll. It was only a matter of time before the truth came out. Based on her views on gun control and other issues, I suspected Billary Clinton had a secret agenda. In fact, many have accused her of having a secret agenda of bringing America to its knees. No matter what your opinion of her, I think everyone agrees on the fact that she is a major crazy bitch.
Below, see Billary pledging her allegiance to Hitler. Her gun control policies fit right in with his. You know its bad when the Klan decides to support Obama so Hillary doesn't make it to the White House. They usually like the whole Hitler, Arian thing - so you know she is bad news.
Hillary giving Hitler Salute
Meanwhile, a half a world away, Marines pray for one of their own. And that Billary does not make it to the White House. Reality. These guys are dieing to protect the very laws and rights that Billary wants to take away from every American.
Hope you enjoyed your freedom today
I predict Billary gets elected when this happens:
Hell Freezes Over
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